The paper set out a typology of karst mountain-ous lakes of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic on zooplankton. Three possible approaches to the classification of lakes: faunistic, balance and struc-ture were highlighted. Faunistic approach to the classification of lakes includes zooplankton sur-veyed reservoirs represented conventional preva-lent in cold water forms lakes. As a whole 57 spe-cies, of which Ratoria were 29 species, Cladocera were 19, Copepoda were 9 were found. Making the survey we found considerable similarity in species composition of zooplankton of lakes. At the balance sheet approach to the classification of lakes we have obtained interesting data, calculated as per unit area and per unit volume. In the former case real biomass, achievable in a given body of water was assessed. In the second the degree of utiliza-tion of zooplankton of the water column was found. When comparing the biomass calculated per unit area in the first place was Upper Lake Bashkaransky ( 1872 mg/m2). Several lakes below it Shadhurey (1389-1222 mg/m2). In a structural approach for the assessment of species diversity, we used the Index of diversity. It was found out that the lowest value of the index (1.86-2.02 bits) was characteristic to Shadhurey lakes morphometric (oligotrophic). A few more (2.86-3.05 bits) Bashkarinskim lakes. Having tested three possible approaches to the lakes classification based on zo-oplankton data, we see that the surveyed ponds can be grouped basing on estimates of the quanti-ties of biomass and diversity index, i.e., by applying the balance sheet approach or structure, or both this and the other simultaneously.
typology, zooplankton, karst lake, Bashkaransky lakes, Lake Shadhurey, bits, trophie, eutrophic, dystrophic, oligotrophic morphometric, morphometric mesotrophic
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