Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Research objective was to reveal structural fea-tures of the water carrying out fabric of wood and adaptive opportunities of the dendroflora promoting these types to exist in the conditions of semi-deserts. Samples of wood of 31species of dendro-flora, from Terek-Kuma Lowland, belonging to 27 types and 19 families were studied. Digital codes of 20 groups of signs of this fabric were made on the basis of xylotomic analysis. Their structural fea-tures and the prevailing feature set were revealed. So, at arid conditions as a part of wood in various combination there were tracheids, fiber tracheids at vast majority (87.1 %) of types; significantly types with diffuse-porous xylos (67.74 %) wood, biconju-gated and acervate tracheas (67.74 %) having roundish + oval and angular + oval + roundish out- lines (77.41 %) and narrow airspaces (61.29 %); tracheas segments of cylinder form (41.93 %) or in combination with barrel-shaped form (35.48 %), with simple perforation (87.1 %), alternate pitting (67.74 %) or in combination with opposite pitting (12.90 %), devoid of rostrulums (64.51 %), samples of with spiral thickening or spiral streak (61.29 %). Xylotomic analysis of the studied species in semi-desert areas of Zaterechia showed rather high level of their wood specialization. Research showed ac-curate manifestation of geterobatmia in the struc-ture of wood of dendroflora representatives of Terek-Kuma Lowland (diffuse-porosity circled vas-cules, tracheids, fibrous tracheids, fibers of a libro-form; single vessels, vessels grouped in chains, nests, dendrites; ladder porosity and opposite po-rosity, and also next porosity etc.). Such kind of signs increases ecological range of the types adapted to arid conditions of semi-deserts.

the structure of timber, set of attrib-utes, occurrence frequency, structural features
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