In the article the results of researches of wild-growing types of the spirea perspective for garden-ing are presented for Baikal region. In Irkutsk re-gion 3 spirea type is most often met, 6 types are of interest to decorative gardening. In Irkutsk state ag-ricultural university at the chair of agroecology, agrochemistry, physiology and plants protection the studying of ornamental shrubs on a secondary in-troduction for the perspective of introduction to cul-ture is performed. 6 most perspective types of spirea growing in the territory of Baykal region dif-fering in high decorative effect, ecological and hu-man sustainability. The analysis of laboratory ger-mination of seed material at various methods of seeds storage which showed that the most effective was the storage of seeds in the refrigerator within 3 months at constant temperature plus 5 degrees Centigrade was carried out. The greatest germina-tion of seeds was noted in willow-leaved spirea, the smallest was in birch-leaved spirea. All studied types differed in high decorative effect and winter hardiness at introduction on experimental areas. Among species of bushes the largest duration of blossoming was characteristic of willow-leaved spirea, average was for birch-leaved spirea, aver-age spirea, minimal was for Alpian spirea, Bover’s spirea, Daur spirea. The maximum square of leaves was characteristic of birch-leaved spirea, Daur spirea, medium was for Alpian spirea, maxi-mum was for willow-leaved spirea, Bover’s spirea. Willow-leaved spirea (Spiraea media) and average spirea (Spiraea salicifolia) can be recommended for creation of highly decorative green hedges. Among studied types of spirea at their introduction in the territories with intensive human sustainability, it re-vealed that the steadiest were birch-leaved spirea, willow-leaved spirea, average spirea. The technol-ogy of designing of green hedges from spirea ac-cording to the agrotechnical requirements of the zone, which economically and energetically low ex-pensive, was developed.
spirea, ornamental shrubs, land-scaping, sustainability
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