For breeding all types of livestock and poultry, including turkeys, in recent years has increased the tendency towards the substitution of traditional feed antibiotics by modern probiotics, including probiot-ics Vitafort and Lactobifadol. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of probiotics on the growth intensity and development of turkey poults, their safety and the parameters of metabolism. By the method of analogues three groups of turkey poults were formed: one day of age with no division by sex; the first experimental group in addition to the basic diet received probiotic Vitafort, and the second experimental group received probiotic of Lactobifadol. As a result of researches it was estab-lished that the use of these probiotics had a posi-tive impact on the performance of turkey poults: the safety of livestock in the first experimental group exceeded control by 6.0 % and in the second ex-perimental group exceeded by 7.0 %; body weight and growth rates were 9.2 % and 12.5 % respec-tively. On 42 day of life, turkey poults, compared with control, had an increase in the number of red blood cells, i.e. 17.2-21.8 % and hemoglobin 7.1-8.8 %, and in the first 14 days there was increasing in leukocytes 13.7-14.7 %. With the increase in to-tal protein content by the end of the experience to 9.67 and of 9.89 % in the serum of turkey poults of experimental groups there was a redistribution of protein fractions of blood serum in the direction of reducing the amount of albumin 11.4-11.8 % and the increase in the amount of globulins, mainly due to the β ( 7.1-8.1 %) and γ-globulin (5.0-5.7 %).
probiotics, Vitafort, Lactobifadol, turkey-poults, live weight, average daily gain, blood
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