Primorsky region is one of the largest Far East-ern forest regions of Russian Federation. According to forest inventory (2010) in bulk coniferous species comprise 55.1 % of area and 33.1 % of growing stock. Fir-spruce forests are represented more sig-nificantly (46.5 % of the area); 10.7 % are larch forests, 0.03 % are pine forests. Pine forests are confined to the territories of southern parts of the region. This region is the natural habitat of omatsu (Pinus densiflora Siebold et Zucc.). Due to forest fires and logging active in the past, omatsu is among endangered species of the Russian Far East. It is listed in the Red Books of Primorsky re-gion and Russian Federation. Biological and eco-logical peculiarities, high economic value of useful properties of omatsu, small size of the occupied territory demand active measures of its reproduc-tion. Seed years in pine forests repeat in three or four years. At such periods of storage, seeds re-duce germinating energy and viability. The use of growth stimulators can increase sawing qualities of seeds and provide recovery of this valuable specie. The aim of this work was to study the influence of growth stimulators of natural «Zircon» and chemical «Epin-extra» origin on germinating energy and la-boratory germination of omatsu seeds and possibil-ity of accelerated recovery of this tree species in ecosystems of Primorsky region. The influence of growth stimulators on germinating energy and via-bility of seeds was studied in laboratory conditions in accordance with All-Union state standard 13056.6-97 «Seeds of trees and bushes». The ex-periments were carried out in six variants (concen-trations of solution and municipal water: 0.5×10ˉ3, 1×10ˉ3, 1×2×10ˉ3, 1×4×10ˉ3, 1×5×10ˉ3 ml/l and con- trol - seeds, moistened in distilled water). It was revealed that growth stimulators, positively proved themselves in agriculture, increase sawing qualities of seeds of Red-Book tree species - omatsu. «Zir-con» took much effect on the seeds with concentra-tions of solution 1·10ˉ3 and 1·2·10ˉ3, whereby ger-minating energy comprised 82-87 % (excess to the control was 9.3-16 %) and viability was 93-96 % (excess to the control was 8.1-11.6 %). «Epin-extra» is more effective in concentrations of solu-tion 1×2×10ˉ3 and 1×4×10ˉ3, stimulating, in com-parison with the control group, germinating energy and viability on 5.3 - 12 % and 3.5-11.6 %.
growth stimulators, sowing qualities of seeds, germinating energy, laboratory germina-tion
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