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Abstract (English):
The monitoring of soils allows working out rec-ommendations on rational use and protection of land. The paper studies the Irtysh River floodplain soils of the forest-steppe zone in Sargatsky district of Omsk area. The subjects of research were phys-ical and chemical properties of floodplain soils of forest-steppe zone. The purpose of the study was to assess wetlands’ forest-steppe zone of Ob-Irtysh floodplain. 44 soil samples were selected for the experiment. The study focused on mechanical structure, the establishment of acidity (pH reaction), and determining the content of humus in the soil samples. The results of qualitative and quantitative researches were used. The study of the texture of soils was carried out by decantation; it was possible to determine the content of sand and clay fractions of the samples. The acidity level was determined by potentiometric method. Humus content and its dis-tribution in the profile were studied by using the method of I.V. Tyurin in modification of V.N. Sima-kov. The analysis of the samples in texture showed the predominance of sandy loam soil type (60 %). The humus content was differentiated in depth. The greatest characteristic of the content’s samples taken within the depth of 40 cm and were about 3.12 % by soil weight. Soil acidity was character-ized in that depth range as a neutral or slightly alka-line.

Ob-Irtysh floodplain, mechanical composition of soil, acidity, humus, fertility, soil horizon, land reclamation
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