One of the most dangerous sources of pollution in Krasnoyarsk is the aluminum plant which emis-sions lead to the pollution of all components of the biosphere. The soil which is in the zone of influence of aluminum plant as soil cover (pedosphere) de-fines many processes happening in the biosphere was investigated. The studying of ecological value of soil cover, its current state and change under the influence of anthropogenous activity is extremely important. The selection of soil samples was made from the depth of 0-60 cm on four horizons for studying of penetration into the lower layers pe-dosphere of toxic elements. The results of toxico-logical assessment of soils on survival of infusori-ans of Paramecium caudatum, sprouts of seeds of a garden cress of Lepidium sativum L are present-ed by biotesting methods, and results of the X-ray fluorescent analysis of test objects. The methods of biotesting differ in high precision of results and rela-tive simplicity of performance. As indicator of toxici-ty the survival of infusorians fixed on number of the survived lines of parametion serves. The percent of oppression of root system growth and the stalks of a garden cress in comparison with control was de-fined. The method of the X-ray fluorescent analysis (further - RFA) reveals the existence and the quan-titative content of some chemical elements in soil samples. As a result of RFA excess of concentra-tion of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn concerning maximum concentration limit of separate elements was re-vealed. High convergence of results of the present-ed types of the analysis which showed the high level of toxicity of soil cover at the distance of 1-5 km from the enterprise territory is noted. At the distance of 10-20 km from the enterprise territory the level of toxicity of soils low is admissible.
pedosphere, ecological value of a soil cover, anthropogenous activity, toxicological assessment, test objects, infusorians of Parame-cium caudatum, proroska of seeds of a garden cress of Lepidium sativum L, X-ray fluorescent analysis
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