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Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the phytosani-tary status of plantings of poplar grown in Krasno-yarsk on the basis of detailed survey of plantations of various types in three districts of the city. The main diseases and damages on the plantations, their prevalence and severity were investigated. Most prevalent among infectious diseases, on all the test areas was a bacterial dropsy or wet cancer (3 %) the causative agent was the bacterium Erwin-ia multivora Scz. - Parf. The prevalence of damage to the trees was more significant in comparison with infectious diseases. The dry branches were great-est distribution; they were established on all trial platforms (17.2 %). Among the exciters three path-ogens were revealed, one of them was a real tinder fungus Fomes fomentarius (L.) Cill.; another was deliverately mushroom - cheshuichatoe apidosa fat Pholiota (Fr.) Kumm.; flat polypore Ganoderma ap-planatum (Pers. ex Wallr.) Pat. The prevalence of decay in the average was 1.8 %. As a result of the conducted phytopathologic examination and the analysis of the obtained data the vital condition of plantings of poplars in Krasnoyarsk by an integrat-ed assessment which was characterized on aver-age as healthy. In general, taking into account the poor state of the environment and in comparison with other species, such a state of poplar plantings can be considered satisfactory. The results pre-sented here can be used to design interventions to improve the health of the studied plantations and improvement of their resource potential.

stands of poplar, sanitation condi-tion, category of state, diseases, damages, Kras-noyarsk city
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