The object of the study was young cattle, living on a dairy production farm (DPF). The research ob-jective was the detection of the degree of the preva-lence of viral infections pathogens in young cattle on the DPF “Vozrozhdenie” in the village of Pivovarikha Irkutsk district Irkutsk region. We carried out obser-vation of cattle in the existence of causative agent of viral diseases. In the clinical observation they de-creased appetite, depression and liquid faeces was yellowish grey in color, and contained mucus. Body temperature was within the physiological norm. In laboratory tests 30 samples of feces were taken from experimental groups. The study applied the test set "RODEKOR TEST VIEV" for differential diagnos-tics of viral diarrhea, rotavirus and corona virus en-teritis using enzyme immunoassay methodology. In calves’ experimental groups the following was re-vealed: 3 calves had the virus diarrhea diseases of the mucous membranes; 4 had rotavirus infection; 4 were affected by mixed infections; 6 were affected by the pathogen corona virus infection. We conclude that under conditions of constant virus-carrier of the 30 experimental calves 17 calves were influenced by pathogenic infections. Prevention and control of dis-eases must be directed by comprehensive and time-ly diagnostic testing of cows, the application of new comprehensive specific treatment, including new generation antibiotics, serum, vaccines and other medicinal products.
immunity, infection, viral infections, calves, mixed infections
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