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Abstract (English):
Researches were made in cows of holsteinized black and motley breed with dairy efficiency of 4500-5400 kg in the conditions of agricultural en-terprise of Nizhny Novgorod region. By the results of gynecologic inspections during the stall period of 2012-2015 the detention of afterbirth was estab-lished in 15.1 %, endometritis - in 68.9 % of calved cows. In 65-55 and 54-43 days prior to childbirth statistically significant distinctions in indicators of proteinaceous exchange between groups of cows with physiological current of postnatal period and obstetric pathology did not come to light. In 24-15 days prior to calving in cows who got sick with de-tention of afterbirth and endometritis after the deliv-ery increased the content of the general protein of serum of blood for 9.0 % (p ≤ 0.05) and the ten-dency to increase the level of gamma globulins is noted to decrease in concentration of albumine and albumine-globulin ratio. For 10-14 days after calv-ing in cows with endometritis after detention of af-terbirth statistically significant increase in the con-tent of general protein of serum of blood by 20.0 %, alpha and gamma globulins - for 2.8 and 22.8 % was observed respectively at the decrease in the level of albumine and albumine-globulin ratio for 14.6 and 25.3 % respectively in comparison with cows which had postnatal period without complica-tions. In 65-55 and 54-43 days prior to calving of statistically significant correlation communication between the studied indicators of proteinaceous exchange and obstetric pathology in cows was not established. In 24-15 days prior to calving average correlation of communication (rs = 0.68) between the level of the general protein of serum of blood of cows and detention of afterbirth with development of endometritis was registered. For 10-14 days after calving strong statistical interrelation between obstetric pathology and level of the general protein of serum of blood (rs=0.77), albumine (rs =-0.87), gamma globulins (rs = 0.87), albumine-globulin coefficient was noted (rs =-0.87).

cows, morbidity, detention of an af-terbirth, endometritis, indicators of a proteinaceous metabolism, blood
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