The cultivation of the shiitake mushroom has been produced for over 2000 years. In the wild, the mushroom grows in Japan, China, Korea and southern Primorye. The purpose of the study was to analyze the cultivation of shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) on softwood sawdust, in conditions of Primorsky Region. The research was conducted in the city of Ussuriisk in Primorsky Region, on the basis of Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture. As the analysis of the collected data shows, the substrate prepared from sawdust of coniferous breeds of wood com-pletely suited for the cultivation of shiitake mush-room. The wild strain of shiitake mushroom was used. The deadlines for preparation of coniferous sawdust were before preparation of the substrate. The process of preparation of the substrate was developed. Favorable conditions for growing shii-take on the first stage of overgrowing of the unit had the temperature of 20 to 25° C and humidity below 75 %. In the second phase, favorable condi-tions were the temperatures from 10 to 18° C and humidity from 78 % to 95 %. Within a month two waves of fruiting went on. Between the waves of fruiting, the stimulations of the mycelium to the development of new fruiting bodies took place. The units were soaked for 24 hours in cold water. The number and size of fruiting bodies depended on the mass of the block. The greater was the mass of the block, the greater was the number and the size of fruiting bodies of the shiitake mushroom. Shiitake Mushroom is listed in the Red Book of Primorsky Region, which forbids its free gathering. The development of the substrate from coniferous sawdust makes it possible to use another kind of raw material for the cultivation of shiitake mush-room.
shiitake mushroom, pine sawdust, the cultivation of mushroom shiitake on pine saw-dust
1. Vyraschivanie shiitake na opilkah i solo-me. - URL:
2. Gribovodstvo. - URL: content/view/37/35.
3. Komin P.A. Osobennosti biologii griba shiitake (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) na territorii lesnogo uchastka PGSHA «Relikt Primor'ya» // Vestn. KrasGAU. - 2016. - № 6. - S. 27-31.