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Abstract (English):
Тhe use of biologically active substances in the feeding of broiler chickens enhances the productivity of poultry, in addition performing a positive influence on the whole body. The pur-pose of this work was to study the hematological parameters of broiler chickens at incorporation in their ration the biologically active additives (BAA) "NUTRILAITE Vitamin C plus". The objective of this study was to determine the optimal dosage of the supplement and mode of feeding. 9 groups of broiler chickens for 50 heads each were formed. Birds received additional vitamin C of natural origin with the drinking water. The term of study was 38 days. The use of dietary supplement "NUTRILAITE Vitamin C plus" has no negative impact on the morphological composition of blood (red blood cells, white blood cells and hemoglobin were within the physiological normal state). The inclusion of vitamin C of natural origin helped to increase the blood levels of immunoglobulin (up to 40 % in the best group compared to control), albumin (up to 4.64 %) and globulins in general as compared with the control. The obtained he-matological and livestock data indicated good metabolism of broilers in experimental groups and more intensive growth. The recommended dos-age of "NUTRILAITE Vitamin C plus" inclusion in the diet of broiler chickens was 25 % of the daily requirement of vitamin C up to 14 days.

dietary active supplement, vitamin C, broiler chickens, blood, serum, protein, albu-mins, globulins, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leuko-cytes, immunoglobulins
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