The level of milk production and the exterior features of animals are influenced by many fac-tors caused by genetic parameters (influence of breed, the productive potential of the ancestors) and properties of the medium (feeding and maintenance). The nature of the relationship be-tween productivity and the exterior of the animal can be judged only in relation to specific natural and economic conditions. The aim of the work was to study milk production of cows of red-motley breed of different production types at dif-ferent feeding levels. The research objectives were evaluation of exterior features of the cows by measurements and indexes in two farms with high and medium levels of feeding, the study of dairy efficiency of cows in the first lactation, the definition of industrial types of animals, the estab-lishing the relationship between milk yield and exterior signs and production type. The studies found out that cows with high-level feeding had a harmonious body, were shot down and stretched, greatly surpassed them in milk production, which corresponds to the type plenty of milk. Most cows of the same age (93.3 %), secured medium feed-ing level, were represented by two types of pro-duction direction (milk and milk-meat). Milk type cows had an advantage in the number of milk, protein content in the milk, of cows typicality dif-fered slightly. In assessing the interrelation fea-tures exterior and milk production on most signs installed weak positive correlation with milk yield. Between indicators of production type and the quantity of milk from animals of both farms there was high significant correlation.
red-motley breed, exterior fea-tures, milk productivity, the rate of production typ-icality, milk ratio, correlation
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