In the study quantitative estimates of chemical elements deposited in various components of vege-table substance of fodder mix (oat and barley) are considered and the main regularities of their accu-mulation by plants on different elements of a relief of agrolandscape were described. The researches were conducted on the agrolandscape of the train-ing farm "Minderlinskoye" of Krasnoyarsk SAU lo-cated in the central part of Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. This massif is characterized by flat slope by a relief within which the trial areas on eluvial, transeluvial, transelyuvialno-accumulative and transaccumulative line items were allocated. On each of them 3 times during vegetative season soil samples were selected by the method of mi-cromonoliths from depths 0-5; 5-10; 10-20; 20-30 cm in triple frequency. The inventories of under-ground vegetable remaining balance considered by method of monoliths cleaning on a sieve 0.25 mm in flowing water. The washed vegetable substance was fractioned on a mortmass and live roots. After harvesting determined inventories the stern of re-maining balance with the use of template 20×20 were seen. In various fractions of vegetable sub-stance the concentration of carbon, nitrogen and some cindery elements (P, K, Ca, Mg) by the method of infrared spectroscopy on BIC analyzer were determined. The inventories of these ele-ments in the components of vegetable substance of oat and barley mix on the allocated line items of agrolandscape were calculated taking into account the inventories of separate fractions of substance (the elevated phytoweight, eddish, roots and a mortmass) and chemical elements concentration in them. It was shown that the structure and compo-nents of vegetable substance of oat and barley mix changed depending on agrolandscape relief, and inventories naturally increased in the direction from eluvial to a transelvial- accumulative and transac-cumulative line item of an agrolandscape. The ac-cumulation of biogenous elements in various com-ponents of vegetable substance of oat and barley mix was determined by the size of their inventories. The greatest inventories of biogenous elements were deposited in elevated and underground com-ponents of vegetable substance on transaccumula-tive line item of agrolandscape.
overground phytomass, stubble, roots, mort mass, soil, biogenic elements, agrolandscape positions
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