Russian Federation
The analysis of productivity and nutritiousness of millet fodder in pure form and in mixed crops of bean and cereals cultivated in forest-steppe zone of the Republic of Tyva was carried out. The re-searches were carried out in 2011-2014 on dark-chestnut soils of test and experimental bare fallow field of Tuva RIA in the village of Durgen. The re-sults of researches showed that the productivity of green material of annual forage crops in mixed crops surpassed the productivity of pure crops of millet fodder. It was established that for 4 years of researches the maximum productivity of paluska (60) - 24.9 t/hectare showed grass mix: millet (40) + at the norm of seeding of 3.0:0.8 mln pcs. At the assessment of productivity of the mixed crops a share of a bean component in our experiment made 52.0-74.3 %. The percent of participation of cereal annual crops of researches made from 25.7 to 49.0 %. On supervision, the greatest number of digestible protein in one kilogram of forage in gen-eral by the experiment was received in 2014 and made from 2.85 to 5.71 g. It was noticed that in the years which were more provided with moisture grass mix millet (40) +vetch (70) had advantage before other options. So, in 2012 and 2013 the maintenance of digestible protein made 2.36 and 1.38 g. Collecting fodder units from hectare de-pended on the productivity of green material and the content of nutrients of cultivated cultures. It was revealed that in 1 kg of solid substance the maintenance of fodder units in green material on average for 4 years changed from 0.37 to 0.59 fod-der units, exchange energy was ranging from 6.55 to 8.90 MJ/kg. It was noted that the analysis of ex-change energy maintenance between options by years showed that millet (40) + vetch (70) con-cedes vetch to control (Sudanese grass) in 2014 in 22 MJ, in 2013 in 0.9 MJ.
annual grasses, peas, paluska, vetch, millet, productivity, nutritiousness
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