Russian Federation
The increase of immunoresistance of birds’ or-ganisms by means of feed additives on the basis of vegetable raw materials remains topical issue of poultry farming. The work purpose was studying the influence of a grass additive on the basis of plants of Urtica Dioica L. (nettles two-blast furnace) and Stellaria Media L. (average chickweed) in feeding of Japanese quails on the parameters of generation of active forms of oxygen cells of their whole blood: the amplitude of the maximum intensity of chemiluminescence reaction, the time of achieve-ment of maximum and the area under chemiluminescence curve. The results of research-es on the influence of feed additive on the basis of grass flour from a nettle by a two-blast furnace and chickweed of change of oxygen metabolism of blood cells and the reactivity of system of nonspe-cific resistance of Japanese quails organisms are presented. By means of chemiluminescence analy-sis the decrease in volumes of spontaneous pro-duction of active forms of oxygen and stimulation of volumes of the induced in vitro of production of AFC is revealed. Grass additives from plants of Urtica Dioica L. and Stellaria Media L. raise poten-tial opportunities of cells for AFC generation. When using the grass Urtica Dioica L flour in feeding of Japanese quails the activation index luminol-and lutseginen dependable AFC raised respectively 2.15 and 2.54 times, and when using the compo-nent grass additive containing Urtica Dioica L. and Stellaria Media L. it raised 1.22 and 1.54 times.
Japanese quails, grass feed addi-tives, nettle, average chickweed, chemilumi-nescence, active forms of oxygen
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