In the Republic of Tuva in peculiar geological and climatic conditions since time immemorial local population has been breeding yaks, highland ani-mals. Yaks are perfectly adapted to local climatic conditions, are in year-round pasturable keeping, have resistance to diseases and require minimal expenses for keeping. For many years Tuva re-search institute of agriculture has been conducting research in deducing a new breed of yaks. Animals are capable in conditions of year-round pasturable keeping to have live weight on the average 320-360 kg at high parameters slaughter output, high quality of meat and are adapted to extreme climatic conditions of the republic. The basic work in a new type of yaks creation now has been carried out on the base of yak husbandry SUE "Bai-Tal" of Bai-Taiginsky area, where the selection herds’ yaks of a desirable type are created. Exterior features of yaks of selection herd were studied in two groups yaks (n=25), picked up for the principle of analogs taking into account age. As a result of carried out comparative analysis of exterior and constitutional features of yaks’ constitution it was revealed that yaks of selection herd surpassed analogues in live weight and in basic measurements. So, the ad-vantage of yaks of selection herd above peers in height in withers made 4.8 inches (4.2 %), slanting length of a trunk in 6.9 inches (5.8 %), breast depth in 3.0 inches (4.5 %), in a grasp of a breast 12.1 inches (7.5 %), grasp pasterns in 0.4 inches (2.3 %). They surpassed peers in knitting index in 7.0 %, legs length index in 5.9 %. Carried out exte-rior yaks features analysis has shown, that yaks of selection herd have enough high exterior and con-stitutional attributes, strong constitution and well advanced skeleton, that enables breeders to con-duct purposeful selection for receiving yaks of a desirable type.
yak breeding, measurements, exte-rior, constitution indices
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