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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study was the determination of toxicity of the samples of the snow taken at dif-ferent distance from a roadbed of the route M-53 (the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk), a phytotesting meth-od. The researches were conducted in 2014-2015. The sampling of the snow was carried out during the maximum accumulation of moisture content in the snow till the period of intensive snowmelt - on March, 10-12. The tests were selected by means of the weight snow gage at different distances from a roadbed (in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 m). The Monitoring of the intensity of traffic on the route M-53 showed its high load within a year (more than 37 thousand cars per day). In an hour from the cars passing on a highway 92.1-170 g of carbon mon-oxide, 16-29.4 g of hydrocarbons, 12.7-22.9 of dioxide of nitrogen come to the atmosphere. The greatest oppression of plants activity was observed when using for growing of seeds the samples of the snow taken in 10 m from a road edge. So, the en-ergy of germination and viability of seeds of barley decreased on 37.5 and 38.2 abs. % in comparison with control group with the seeds couched in the distilled water. Even more significant inhibition of vital processes was observed at garden cress seeds (the energy of germination decreased by 40.5 %, and the viability - for 42.8 %, p <0.01). The oppression of sprouts growth in barley made 5.5-22.7 %, at a garden cress - 22.4-52.0, roots re-spectively 10.8-27.3 and 26.1-54.3 % at r <0.05 -0.01. The index of phytotoxicity of the snow cover paid off in all considered parameters: the energy of germination (IFE); the viability of seeds (IFV); the length of sprouts (Ifdp) and the length of roots (Ifdk) of test plants. It was established that phytotoxic action of the snow cover at distance to 40 m from a roadbed extended on such parameters of test plants as the energy of germination, the length of sprouts, the length of roots, at the distance of 50 m - on viability of seeds. Big sensitivity to pollution of the depositing environment was shown by garden cress seeds in comparison with barley seeds, and among the considered parameters was the length of roots.

monitoring, motor transport, snow cover, biotesting, test plants, phytotoxicity index
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