Biodestructors of construction materials, i.e. bacteria, mushrooms, lichens, microscopic sea-weed and other microorganisms constitute serious danger, both for construction materials and for a dwelling house of a person. The most aggressive bio-deterioration agents are microscopic mush-rooms - micromycetes. Owing to continuous con-tact of people with micromycetes the danger of de-veloping fungal diseases (ringworm, otomycosis, fungal rhinosinusitis, aspergillosis), and also the development of allergic diseases considerably in-creases. In recent years the growth of infections number has been caused by mold mushrooms of the sorts Aspergillus, Pénicillium, etc., noted all over the world. All this demands to consider the features of fungal microflora of premises as an ad-ditional epidemiological factor of the development of mycoses. In many cities of Russia local pro-grams for protection of urban environment against bio-deterioration have been already created. The purpose of the study was the identification and studying of fungal microflora in residential and un-inhabited buildings of Krasnoyarsk. Before collect-ing biological material visual research and photofixing of objects were conducted: walls, ceil-ings, water pipes. The sites with visible centers of damages got out: the exfoliating plaster, paint, vio-lation of waterproofing of pipes, mold spots. In total with the signs of biodamages 15 sites (ceilings, walls, water pipes) were surveyed. In all surveyed rooms the air contamination by the mushrooms identical to micromycetes, in the centers of bio-deterioration was noted. The maintenance of micromycetes in air exceeded conditionally admis-sible levels (500, 500 CFU/cubic meter). As a result of mycologic inspection of rooms of Krasnoyarsk the following results were received: in the frequen-cy of occurrence mushrooms of the sort of Aspergillus spp were on the first place (54 %), on the second were Penicillium spp. (20 %), further were Alternaria spp. (13 %) and Stachybotrys spp. (13 %).
bio-deterioration, biodestructors, micromycetes, non-residential premises
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