In the study the results of the analysis of the weather conditions‟ influence of Kansk forest-steppe of Krasnoyarsk Region on the content of starch in the grain of grades of summer barley are given. Making of experiments and observations was made according to the technique of the state sort testing in 2002-2014. The experiments were made in fourfold recurrence; the area of the plots was 25 m2. The influence of the weather conditions on the content of starch in the grain of barley was determined by the method of correlation analysis by D.U. Snedekor's technique with the use of a pack-age of statistical programs of O.D. Sorokin. Strong positive extent of connection between the content of starch and the sum of temperatures in the se-cond and third decades of May, the first decade of June and the second decade of July was revealed. The correlation coefficient in the second decade of May from varieties had 0.616 (grade T 12) to 0.800 (Olenyok); in the third decade of May - from the varieties had 0.623 (Acha), 0.721 (Abalak); in the first decade of June - from 0.607 (Omsk 95) to 0.744 (Abalak); in the second decade of July - from 0.629 (Omsk 95) to 0.697 (Buyan). Strong positive extent of correlation between the content of starch and the sum of rainfall of the first decade of July and the first decade of August was noted. The cor-relation coefficient from 0.631 (Vladuk) to 0.728 (Kedr) was in the first decade of July and from 0.623 (T 12) to 0.730 (Vulcan) was in the first dec-ade of August. Furthermore there was noted a strong positive relationship between starch content and hydrothermal coefficient in the first decade of July and the first decade of August. In the first dec-ade of July the correlation coefficient from 0.589 (Sobolyok) to 0.759 (Kedr); in the first decade of August from 0.581 (Vulcan) to 0.760 (Kedr). Con-clusions can be made that the content of starch increases at the increase of the sum of tempera-tures of the second and third decades of May, the first decade of June and the second decade of July; at the increase of the sum of rainfall of the first decade of July and the first decade of August; at increase of hydrothermal coefficient of the first decade of July and the first decade of August.
spring barley, starch, early-maturing varieties, mid-season varieties, correlation, weather conditions
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