Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Asarum sieboldii Miq. (Aristolochiaceae), Asarum of Zibold is a low grassy perennial plant, a component of relic complexes of vegetation of modern refugium of Northeast Asia. In Russia the kind is met in the south of Primorsky Region and Sakhalin Island, grows in China, on the Korean peninsula and in Japan. The kind possesses me-dicinal properties;not numerous in Russian Far East collecting it even is complicated by 1 t. By means of allozime markers genetic variability in natural population of A. sieboldii in Primorsky Re-gion was investigated. As data for the studied kind were provided for the first time, the description of phenotypes was given. During the analysis of 6 enzymes 11 monomorfic loci (Idh, Lap, 6-Pgd, Gdh-1, Gdh-2, Acp-1, Acp-2, Mdh-1, Mdh-2, Mdh-3, Mdh-4) and 11 alleles were identified. Seven loci revealed at A. sieboldii coincided in mobility with similar loci of representatives this. Aristolochiaceae. The revealed A loci. sieboldii had no variability. The main indicators of polymorphism (the polymorphism observed and expected heterozygots) were equal to zero, the number of alleles in a locus was 1. For other types of the sort Asarum low indicators of polymorphism were given earlier. The lack of allozyme variability of A. sieboldii was probably connected with the history of existence of the kind. The existence of self-pollination in flowers, and also vegetative reproduc-tion, characteristic for appearance, promote emer-gence of individuals with identical genotype. Rare events of cross-pollination in individuals with a uni-form genotype cannot affect variability level in this population. Ants as probable agents in carrying seeds are also not capable of providing their trans-fer on considerable distances.

genetic variability, Asarum sieboldii, medicinal species, Primorsky Region
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