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Abstract (English):
For the identification of grades, samples and bi-otypes of oats, the analysis of hybrid populations and determination of high-quality purity of seeds the electrophoresis of spare proteins, i.e. avenins is widely used. This method is successfully applied at all stages of selection process and considerably increases its efficiency. The researches for the pur-pose of the assessment of possibility of using aven-in for the definition of hybridism of grains of the first generation were conducted in 2012-2013. Individ-ual weevils of perspective grades of oats included in hybridization were analyzed, and F1 grains re-ceived as a result of crossings. It was established that it was the part of populations of parental grades from 1 to 6 biotypes, thus grades of the Byzantine oats were the most heterogeneous ones. As a result of check of hybrid nature of F1 grains in two hybrid combinations from five heterozygotes on the avenin-coding loci were found. Electrophoresis ranges of these weevils comprised all proteina-ceous components present at ranges of both par-ents proving their hybrid origin. Genetic formulas of avenin of hybrid grains had the appearance of Avn A2,4 Bned, ned C3,1 and Avn A2,4 Bned, ned C2,1 - from crossings of grades Tyumen hull-less x Flamingsprofi and Tayozhnik x Flamingsprofi re-spectively. The weevils, received in other cross-ings, had the range of avenin identical to the range of one of the parents; therefore, they were not hy-brids of the first generation. The emergence of such grains was caused by features of biology of blos-soming of oats, in particular - the influence of drought and high temperatures on the development of generative bodies of plants. Thus, the use of electrophoresis of prolamin at the first stages of selection process will give the chance to carry out the assessment of hybridism of F1 grains effectively and in due time to exclude from further selection work on weevil oats, appeared as the result of self-pollination or cross pollination of plants.

oats, a grade, electrophoresis, avenin, the hybrids of the first generation, avenin-coding loci
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