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Abstract (English):
Intensive development of rabbit breeding is hin-dered by infectious diseases causing significant economic damage. In rabbit-breeding farms infec-tious diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic activators, including Klebsiella have the greatest spreading. Klebsiellosis is infectious disease char-acterized by the defeat of bodies of digestive tract and respiratory organs in different types of animals and birds. The illness is registered more often among the young growth affected by adverse fac-tors of environment (weaning at early age, unsatis-factory microclimate in rooms, high dust content in the air, transportation, overcooling, overheating). The disease can be acute, subacute and chronic. At the decrease in resistance of the organism of animals there is an increase of virulence of patho-gen, leading to the effects of toxins on intestinal mucosa, inhibition of local protection factors, in-flammation and dysbacteriosis. Penetrating into blood stream, Klebsiella causes the development of septicemia. Klebsiellosis can also occur as sec-ondary infection of virus on the background of vi-ruses, which increases the amount of fatal out-comes. The information about the picture of patho-logical changes in rabbits with Klebsiellosis is insuf-ficient. The studying of pathology picture of this disease is an actual problem. The results of the study of organs and tissues pathomorphology in the intestinal form of Klebsiellosis in rabbits showed the following: the most typical changes due to this disease were acute serous-catarrhal or catarrhal-hemorrhagic inflammation in gastrointestinal tract organs in combination with acute serous-catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the up-per respiratory tract. The most typical complications were acute serous pericarditis, alterative myocardi-tis, and acute serous nephritis and degenerative processes in the tissues of parenchymal organs, causing the development of heart failure, as well as acute congestive hyperemia and edema of brain substance. The complications of the disease in complex lead to paralysis of the heart and death of animals.

rabbits, bacterial diseases of rab-bits, Klebsiellosis of rabbits, rabbits‟ intestinal infec-tions, pathological anatomy, pathomorfological changes
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