The data on studying the fauna of helminthes of wild waterfowl in Omsk Region playing a great role in life and economic activity of the people are given in the study. In this regard great value is given to helminthological researches directed on the inves-tigation of fauna of parasites of both wild and do-mestic waterfowl. It especially concerns fowl farms in the areas where new reservoirs, attracting wild waterfowl are created. In these conditions closer contact between domestic and wild waterfowl is made, i.e. there is the exchange of parasites. The purpose of researches was studying modern fauna of helminthes of wild waterfowl of Omsk Region. Collecting helminthes from 6 species of the wild wa-terfowl got during hunting seasons of 2015 in differ-ent landscape zones of Omsk Region was studied. From 25 examined wild waterfowl 16 (64 %) were infected. The richest specific composition of hel-minthes was established in a ruddy-headed dive - 15 types, a garganey teal - 7 types, a wild duck - 6 types of helminthes. The fauna of helminthes in the birds subjected to research was quite various: 8 types of nematodes relating to 4 families and 4 ge-nuses; 7 types trematodes, belonging to 2 families and 3 genuses; 10 types cestodes, belonging to 1 family and 8 genuses. In wild waterfowl of Omsk Region most widespread according to the frequen-cy of occurrence of helminthes were among trema-todes - Notocotylus attenuatus (EI of 33.3 %, AI of 16.5 copies); cestodes - Dicranotenia coronula (EI of 33.3 %, AI of 17.5 copies), Wardium aeguabilis (EI of 33.3 %, AI of 14 copies); nematodes - Ami-dostomum anseris (EI of 66.6 %, AI of 14 copies), Amidostomum boschadis (EI of 66.6 %, AI of 16.7 copies) . The following types of helminthes were for the first time found: Epomidiostomum skryabini nematode at a ruddy-headed dive; trematode of Echinoparyphium petrowi and Notocotylus navi-formis in a teal garganey; cestode of Diorchis stef-anskii in a ruddy-headed dive.
the fauna of helminthes, wild water-fowl, cestodes, nematodes, trematodes, invasion extensiveness and intensity
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