Specific weight of cattle of meat breeds in gen-eral number of cattle in Krasnoyarsk Region does not exceed 2.5 %. In the nearest two decades in-tensive gain of cattle of meat breeds is not ex-pected, in this connection dairy cattle was and will be the main supplier of beef. In Krasnoyarsk Re-gion leading breed of dairy direction of efficiency red and motley and its intra pedigree Yenisei type having a low share of protein in milk of 2.98-3.13 % are considered to be perspective. At the beginning of the XXI century in uterine livestock more than 8000 heads for the improvement of protein content in milk in selection process the Swedish red breed possessing raised share of protein content in milk equal to 3.2-3.5 % was used. In daughters of the Swedish bulls dairy efficiency was higher, than in red and motley cows in 5.0 %, in protein content in milk in 0.2 %. Meat efficiency in local animals has not been studied before. There was a need of stud-ying and statement of research and production ex-periments. We were to establish the way of selec-tion process directed on the increase in dairy effi-ciency and protein content in milk influenced the signs of meat efficiency manifestation in local ani-mal. The implementation of this project allows de-fining further direction of animals of red and motley breed selection in Siberia and its intra pedigree Yenisei type to plan the ways of intensive use of new breeding material for the formation of herds with high share of protein content in milk, and also production of high-quality beef in Eastern Siberia.
meat efficiency, protein conversion, absolute and relative growth rate, Yenisei type
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