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Abstract (English):
It is known that terpene compounds of essential oils of wild-growing plants can possess antioxidant activity. For the assessment of antioxidant proper-ties of natural compounds various model reactions considerably differing in sensitivity were used. For the determination of antioxidant activity of essential oils model reaction of the process of inhibition of autooxidation 2-hexenal to the corresponding acid by air oxygen in the non-aqueous environments providing homogeneity-hexenal and components of essential oils was offered. The purpose of the study was to define the existence or lack of antioxidant activity of essential oils of Siberian cedar pine, Si-berian fir and Siberian juniper, received by the method of exhaustive hydro vapouir distillation. In the experiments to the solutions in hexane alde-hyde essential oils were added in the quantities of 5 mcl, 25 mcl and 50 mcl. Each sample was pre-pared twice; control samples were prepared three times. The amount of initial aldehyde and its change in the course of reaction of oxidation were determined by the method of capillary gas and liq-uid chromatography with the use of chromatog-raphy-mass spectrometer of AgilentTechnologies 7890 Ac by mass and spectrometer detector Ag-ilent Technologies 5975 C. During the experiments it was established that at small concentration of essential oils they possessed prooxidatic activity, i.e. promoted oxidation 2-hexenal to hexenal acid air oxygen. With the increase in the amount of oils to 25 and 50 mcl to 1 ml of solution of 2-hexenal the no-ticeable inhibition of process of autoxidation was observed. It was established that AOA of cedar oil made 80.0 %, essential oil of Siberian juniper - 67.9, fir oil - 55.5 %.

antioxidant properties, essential oil of Siberian cedar pine, Siberian juniper, Siberian fir, capillary gas liquid chromatography
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