For preservation of the natural complexes and reference natural sites located in valleys of the riv-ers of the western macroslope of the Average of Sikhote-Alin in Krasnoarmeisky district of Primorsky Region in 2007 National Park (NP) "Udege Legend" was created. The main forest formations in this ter-ritory are Korean pine broad-leaved, fir-spruce and elm-ashen forests which distribution is defined by zonal and altitude-belt factors. Characteristic fea-ture of considered territory is wide circulation of relic types which are a part of rare and unique for-est communities. Since 2013 the inspection of the woods of NP by the employees of Biological and Soil Institute (BSI) of FEB RAS began. The re-searches were conducted in the basin of the Bolshaya Ussurka River and its inflows the Army and the Lesovoznaya in virgin and low-broken woods. The works were carried out by detailed and route method with laying of the trial areas in the most interesting and rare types of the wood. Ac-cording to the cadastral information, rare vascular plants (Coniogramme intermedia, Taxus cuspidata, Cypripedium calceolus, C. guttatum, C. macranthon, Paeonia lactiflora, P. obovata, Bergenia pacifica) and fungi (Leccinum extremiorientale, Sarcoscypha coccinea, Hericium coralloides) included into the Red Data Book of Primorsky Region grow in the territory of NP "Udege Legend". In addition to this list in the territo-ry of NP we for the first time found Phyllitis japoni-ca, Liparis japonica, Cephalanthera longibracteata, Galium paradoxum, Ganoderma lucidum, Hericium erinaceus. These finds supplement the data on the protected species distribution in the territory of Primorsky Region. Also 8 tree species of NP in-cluded into the IUCN Species Red list are given.
National Park "Udege Legend", the basin of the Bolshaya Ussurka River, vascular plants and mushrooms, Red Data Book of Primorsky Region
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