For the selection process acceleration it is nec-essary to consider the nature of inheritance of val-uable signs and properties of hybrids of tomato of F1. The results of studying of nature of inheritance of valuable signs and properties in the system of incomplete diallel crossings 15 × 15 for 2013-2014 were presented. Experimental trials were made through seedlings culture. The crops on seedling were planted in the third decade of March in the filmed not warm greenhouse. The density of stand-ing of plants was 300-350 pieces on 1 sq.m. The seedling was planted on a constant place in open ground in the third decade of April - the first dec-ade of May, according to the scheme (90+50) × 30-35 cm. When carrying out researches as initial material grades and lines of tomatoes Meal, Pink droplet, Senorita, Charm, L. 46/06, L. 49/09, L. 295/09, L. 336/11, L. 354/11, L. 357/11, L. 388/09 (nor), L.498 (selection of PNIISH), grade Tigris, Cherry yellow (JSC Gavrish), Monetary tree (national selection) were used. As a result of study-ing of the nature of valuable signs and properties inheritance 105 studied hybrids were established on signs: the duration of phases and the interphase periods "shoots - blossoming", "blossoming - ma-turing", "shoots - maturing", "the distance between inflorescences", "general productivity", depending on hybrid combination and the used initial forms were revealed in all types of inheritance - from negative before positive overdominance. At the same time, such signs, as "shoots - blossoming", "shoots - maturing", “general productivity", in 2013 were inherited mainly as positive overdominance, the sign "blossoming - maturing" was inherited from intermediate inheritance before positive over-dominance, and the sign "distance between inflo-rescences" - was inherited as intermediate. In 2014 signs "shoots - blossoming", "blossoming - maturing", "distance between inflorescences", "general productivity" were inherited mainly as in-termediate inheritance, the sign "shoots - maturing" was inherited from intermediate inheritance before positive overdominance.
tomato, grade, line, hybrid, hybrid combination, period, sign, heterosis, inheritance, tomat, sort, liniya, gi-brid, gibridnaya kombinaciya, period, priznak, geterozis, nasledovanie
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