The results of carried-out complex varieties evaluation of 135 grades of garden roses of Botan-ical garden named after N.V. Bagrov collection of Taurian academy of Crimean federal university named after V.I. Vernadsky (Simferopol, the Re-public of Crimea) were presented in the study. The creation of high-perspective assortment of roses for soil climatic conditions of Foothill zone of the Cri-mea was the purpose of the study. The method of complex varieties evaluation including such indica-tors as winter hardiness, relative affect of fungal diseases, and also decorative effect of the grade which was estimated by 100-mark standard tech-nique applied to the fullest studying. Total indica-tors of characteristics on these signs were used for the definition of group of prospects. High winter hardiness (using an easy earthing up during winter period) was noted in 46 grades from 8 garden groups. 25 grades were not affected by mushroom diseases. In decorative effect assessment the highest points were got by grades with bright and original coloring of flower, big inflorescence, plenti-ful and long blossoming, strong and pleasant fra-grance and beautiful form of the bush. 45 high-perspective grades of roses from 9 garden groups (hybrid tea, floribunda, grandiflora, polyanthus, min-iature, climbing, shrub, groundcover and Kordes) possessing high winter hardiness, rather not affect-ed by main mushroom diseases, differing not only in coloring, but also in the form, size of flowers and inflorescences having various very tectonics of the bush were allocated as a result. The main part of the allocated assortment grades made a floribund (6 grades) of garden groups tea and hybrid (12 grades), floribunda (6), climbing (7), shrub (5) and miniature (8) garden groups were the main part of the selected assortment. This assortment will allow creating various decorative compositions and pro-longing blossoming of this culture in the conditions of Foothill zone of the Crimea as much as possible.
garden roses, varieties evaluation, Foothill zone of the Crimea, highly promising varie-ties, gardening
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