The main source of microelements and heavy metals admission in soils of agricultural lands are mineral and organic fertilizers. Their content in ferti-lizers depends on chemical composition of feed-stock and production technology. Of all types the highest average content of manganese, cobalt, lead and nickel is observed in phosphate fertilizers; copper, zinc, cadmium, and chromium are ob-served in complex and integrated ones. With in-creasing of the doses of fertilizers the intake of mi-croelements and heavy metals in soils of agroce-noses increases. In 2011-2015 1.4 times more mineral and organic fertilizers were introduced in the soil compared to 2006-2011 microelement composition of different crops in agrocenoses changes under the influence of weather conditions, fertilizers, properties of regional soils, the security of their mobile forms of elements and biological features of plants. The average balance of micro-elements in the agriculture of Krasnoyarsk Region for 2006-2015 was negative. The insertion of amounts of mineral (19.9-28.4 kg/hectare D. b) and organic (0.72 to 1.0 t/hectare) is not compensated for the alienation of microelements by crops. Plant feeding was carried out through mobilization of po-tential and effective soil fertility. Negative balance of micronutrients in farming region contributes to lower intake of micronutrients in plants, leading to reduced production and deterioration in the quality of plant products. Integrated balanced application of micro- and macrofertilizers in agrocenoses will enhance the quality and quantity of products main-taining its environmental safety. Fertilizing in small amounts does not contribute to the accumulation of heavy metals. In the soils of agrocenoses negative balance of lead, nickel, and chromium was noted. The increase in the content of cadmium in soils (of 0.65-1 g/hectare) and its positive balance had no significant effect on the ecological state of agroce-nosis.
heavy metals, microelements, bal-ance, security, deficit, yield, quality
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