Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The research objective was to develop the de-vice for fixing laboratory animals and safe plastic syringe for increasing of biological security when carrying out laboratory researches. The researches were conducted on the basis of the chair of Epizo-otology and Therapy of Oryol SAU by the depart-ment of Clinical Veterinary Science of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The modified de-vice for fixing laboratory animals allows to use it most effectively for fixing laboratory animals in preparation for the performance of injections, oral introduction of material, intranasal injection and drawing on conjunctive, and also when sampling the blood of animals. Also it allows making moder-ate and untraumatic pressure upon the skin fold of laboratory animals with buttoned thickenings of captures of the device to avoid the trauma of tis-sues of laboratory animals, to increase the harmo-ny of the design and controllability of the tool, to reduce the intensity of operating mode of the re-searcher and the waste of time for fixing laboratory animals, to exclude the need of carrying out re-peated researches, to increase the accuracy of the results, to remove the hands of the personnel from laboratory animals, to avoid the trauma of tissues of the personnel. The application of modified safe plastic syringe for single use allows increasing con-trollability of a protective cap when closing metal injection needle, to reach coincidence of longitudi-nal axes of metal injection needle and a protective cap, to remove the hands of the personnel from trajectory of metal injection needle advance, to avoid the trauma it needs to be of smaller measures observed during the work with common plastic syringe for single use. Modified safe plastic syringe along with fixing device is more effective in comparison with well-known tools for performing injections and carrying out manipulations.
laboratory animals, fixing device, safe plastic syringe, inoculation, infectious, patho-logical material
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