The research objective was the assessment of ecological condition of the soil by the analysis of samples depending on the influence of introduced agrochemical matters. It is necessary for the devel-opment of practical measures for overcoming of negative tendencies of deterioration of ecological situation with soils of southern territories, chernozyoms and chestnut soils of agrocenosis of separate zones of Krasnoyarsk Region. The re-search problems were the development of methods of identification of structure and chemical structure of used agrochemical funds for increasing of vege-table production productivity, the definition of eco-logical characteristics of the found toxicant. The assessment of qualitative and quantitative content of substances in the soil samples selected on sites with the deposited agrochemical funds for increase of productivity of vegetable production was carried out. The samples of the soil were selected in Minusinsk area during autumn period. The tests of the soil were selected from superficial horizon, from the depth of root layer of 0-20 cm. For comparison the analysis of control samples selected in forest belt at the distance of 500 m from a sampling place was carried out. The results of analyses testify that in the soil: preparation DDT in concentration of 0.0885 mg/kg of the soil, DDD in concentration of 0,0006 mg/kg of the soil, DDE in concentration of 0.0014 mg/kg of the soil were present. Admissible concentration of preparation DDT according to the existing standards in the soil was 0.1 mg/kg; the admissible residual maintenance of preparation DDT in vegetables was 0.1 mg/kg; and in products (milk, eggs, oil, meat) the residual contents was not allowed. Heavy metals have irreversible contact with substances of tissues of an organism; they affect proteins of enzymes, hormones therefore possess a broad spectrum of activity, causing heavy violation of exchange processes: mutations, cancer, allergies, illnesses of nervous system, blood system, damage of liver, kidneys, brain. Strong binding of the organism with heavy metals results in accumulation of them in organisms of plants, animals and humans. After the decomposi-tion of residues heavy metals are re-engaged in next cycle of biotic cycling of matter.
soil cover, agroecology, pesticides, toxicants, intensification, agrocenosis
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