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Abstract (English):
In the conditions of Central Yakutia in Yakut Bo-tanical Garden new data about individual variability of the leaves in seed ancestors of rare non-native species Aquilegia viridiflora Pall living in North-Eastern Asia were obtained. Morphological analysis of assimilating leaves of generative plants of two formations was carried out: median from which ground leaves and leaves of average circle, and riding were distinguished (bracts and bracteole). The following parameters were studied: the length and width of leaves, the length and thickness of shoots, the length of bracteole of top leaflets of the first and second orders, the length, width and depth of dredging of top leaflets of the second order, the coloring of leaf plates and shoots of leaves. The obtained biometric data were processed by stand-ard technique by means of the PAST program. The analysis of individual variability of qualitative signs of leaves of all formations showed high variability of their forms. Leaf plates and scapes had uniform coloring. Quantitative signs of all leaves in studied plants had average and high degree of variability. Some parameters of ground leaves were stabler: the length and width of a leaf, the length of the main scape and bracteole of a top leaflet of the first order. The distinctions of quantitative and qualita-tive signs in two plants samples, most distinguisha-ble on the appearance of leaves were revealed. It was defined that among quantitative morphological features of ground leaves and leaves of average circle length and width of a leaf, scape length, length and width of the leaflet of the second order had the greatest divergence of average values. Thus, the new data on the structure of A. viridiflora Pall leaves and variability of their parts can be the basis for selection of the most original forms for selection purposes. A. viridiflora Pall is character-ized by early flowering, high winter hardiness and preserving decorative qualities until late autumn. This species is recommended for planting in urban areas in t central and southern regions of Yakutia.

Aquilegia, ornamental plants, leaves, variability
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