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Abstract (English):
Lungworts are macrolichens, widely spread in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the Earth. Lobaria is associated with humid climate areas in the Sayan Mountains. The diversity of lungworts, including relict (L.retigera, L. scrobiculata, L.isidiosa), are closely related with unique natural phenomenon of temperate rain for-est, which are tied to windward, humid slopes of the Sayan Mountains. As a result, the inventory of lungworts diversity from Western Sayan based on the herbarium specimens (660 samples from 106 locations) such species were registrated: Lobaria pulmonaria, Lobaria retigera, Lobaria scrobiculata and Lobaria isidiosa; only according to the of litera-ture data - Lobaria linita and Lobaria meridionalis. The samples, previously determined as "Lobaria isidiophora", as it turned out, significantly differ from the Philippine type of this taxon and were described as a new Lobaria sajanensis. This species differs from Lobaria isidiophora by constant presence of isidia various kind, lobules, large size, and lobes, up to 6 cm wide. Among a lot of “Lobaria scrobiculata” samples some specimens of lichens which similar to Lobaria hallii were found, but spec-imens were very peculiar and were described as a new Lobaria jenisseensis. This species differs from Lobaria scrobiculata by rope-like rizines, medulla K-, Pd-, C- and KC-, from Lobaria hallii differs by upper cortex K- and absence of colorless hairs in the lobe tips. Thus total species diversity of lungworts in the Western Sayan are 8 species, most of which are very rare and special measures for their protection are necessary.

lichen, lungwort, Lobaria, Lobaria sajanensis, Lobaria jenisseensis, Western Sayan
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