For Siberia with its sharply continental climate the occurrence of frosts even in the middle of June is typical. In cultivation the seedling of vegetables, including tomatoes, it is necessary to think over how to create optimum agroecological conditions. The main condition for cultivation of tomatoes seed-ling is using the soil with sufficient reserve of nec-essary nutrients. The studying of influence of com-position of specialized soils on the development of tomatoes seedling for northern and east regions of Russia is actual. The objects of research were nu-tritious soils recommended for cultivation of seed-ling of tomatoes for Siberian region: ‘The soil for favorite plants’, ‘The live earth’ and ‘Biomaster’. During the research seeds of tomato grades, wide-spread in Siberia Dubrava, Yablonka of Russia, Nastenka were used. ‘The soil for favorite plants’ and ‘Live earth’ soils have enough nutrients, both at determination of average viability of seeds, and when studying elevated length of tomatoes sprouts for the 7th days of cultivation. Elevated length of sprouts for the 14th and 21st days was the greatest in the plants grown up on ‘The soil for favorite plants’. From the used grades of tomatoes the most perspective was the grade Dubrava. For the best development of tomatoes and receiving steady seedling ‘The soil for favorite plants’ soil was opti-mum.
tomatoes, seedling, viability, soils, elevated length of sprouts of tomatoes, ecological plasticity, agroecological assessment, tomaty, rassada, vsho-zhest', pochvogrunty, nadzemnaya dlina pro-rostkov tomatov, ekologicheskaya plastich-nost', agroekologicheskaya ocenka
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12. URL: http://krasnoyarsk. /cata-log/section-gazon-trava-sadovye-tsvety-i-raste nia-281/pochvogrunt-498855267.