The results of biochemical and mineral structure of fodder herbs depending on the extent of mois-tening and diet in the conditions of cryogenic inun-dated, cespitose and chernozyom soils of Central Yakutia are presented. The receipt, food consump-tion and the coefficient of fertilizers efficiency (CFE) for natural stepped meadow in the conditions of average floodplain of the Lena River have been established for the first time. It was established that at organic and mineral diet and optimum moisture content the maintenance of crude protein in raw mass of stepped meadow was raised from 8.4 to 13.4 %, the content of crude cellulose was lowered for 2.9 % in comparison with control without fertiliz- ers. The efficiency of fertilizers increases with in-creased moisture content. So, in favorable condi-tions on moisture content (hydrothermal index is 1.2) at organic and mineral dietary regime the maintenance of crude protein raised to 14.7 %. The structure of raw mass of stepped meadow at organ-ic and mineral dietary regime forms the optimum maintenance of elements in feed. Using humus in a dose of 20 t/hectare on stepped meadow provides every four years high coefficient of fertilizers effi-ciency (CFE) on nitrogen (to 27 %), to potassium (to 40 %) and phosphorus (to 12 %) that testifies to high comprehensibility of feeding from organic ferti-lizer in the conditions of permafrost. Revealed inter-relations between chemical composition of plants and ecological conditions allowed establishing the zone and biochemical features of fodder herbs in comparison with other regions that our field re-searches on biochemistry of plants of stepped meadow at different diets in the conditions of aver-age floodplain of the Lena River confirm.
the degree of moistening, settling, dietary regime, biochemical structure, mineral structure, natural calm meadow
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