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Abstract (English):
The results of ecological field assessment of 17 samples of hull-less and filmy forms of polba from ARIPG named after N.I. Vavilov world collection are presented in the study. The short characteristic of the origin and the directions of selection of 5 sam-ples of a filmy polba Belka, Runo, K-24482, K-7508, K-33153 from different regions of our coun-try is given; created by Dr. Agr. Sci. A.F. Merezhko in ARIPG named after N.I. Vavilov as a result of the sating crossings of a grade of solid wheat Svetlana with a grade of a summer polba of Protein 4 sam-ples of a hull-less polba -L-133× Belka, L-196/3× Л-13, L-133×PKK, D-733; and also the received by Dr. Agr. Sci. V.D. Kobylyansky by double back-crossing of a grade of a filmy polba of age-old se-lection of L-9934 with the line of solid HaRD 46/17 7 wheat of hull-less samples - L 68/10, L 69/10, L 70/10, L 71/10, L 72/10, L 73/10, L 74/10; stand-ard grade of Omsk steppe. Thus, by the results of carried-out complex assessment on the elements of crop structure in the conditions of Krasnoyarsk and Kemerovo forest-steppe selection sources of a polba are allocated: on a productive tillering of a filmy sample - K-33153 and hull-less samples of L 72/10, L 73/10, L 74/10; on the number of grains in the main ear - L 72/10, L 73/10; to the mass of 1000 grains - L 72/10, L 74/10; to the mass of grain from 1 plant - L 72/10, L 73/10, L 74/10, productivity - K-64408; K-64738, L-196/3×L-13, L 72/10, L 73/10, L 74/10; to protein content - filmy samples of K-24482, K-64738. All allocated sam-ples are valuable components in interspecific cross-ings.

hull-less polba, filmy polba, tillering, protein content, productivity
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