The description of age and local features of in-traorganic lymphatic vessels of dogs’ stomach is given in the study. The research was carried out at Khakass state university named after N.F. Katanov (the Republic of Khakassia). The materials of the research were not purebred dogs (n = 58) five age groups: newborns, the period of weaning, the pu-berty period, physiologically mature and the period of the expressed senile changes. During the re-search the methods of an interstitial injection of lymphatic course by dyes, production of painted total preparations from lymphatic vessels, produc-tion of brightened-up preparations, histologic cuts, morphometry were applied. It was established that intraorganic lymphatic vessels were a part of all covers of the stomach and in each cover had spe-cific very tectonics. Morphometric indicators of in-traorganic lymphatic vessels of a stomach in dogs increase in direct ratio to age of an animal and an order of an intraorganic lymphatic vessel up to the achievement by animals of the period of physiologi-cal maturity. With the approach of the period of ex-pressed senile changes length and diameter of in-traorganic lymphatic vessels of the stomach in dogs practically do not change. The valvate index of in-traorganic lymphatic vessels of the stomach in dogs decreases an animal and increase of an order of a lymphatic vessel with age. Intraorganic lymphatic vessels in puppies and dogs of the period of ex-pressed senile changes are more twisting in com-parison with similar vessels at the animal periods of puberty and a physiological maturity that confirmed the increasing of tortuosity coefficient. A wall of in-traorganic lymphatic vessels in the dogs of the pe-riod of expressed senile changes have the walls with the expressed roughnesses and protrusions as varicose.
intraorganny lymphatic vessel, lym-phatic course, stomach, dog, post-natal ontogene-sis
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