Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was the definition of in-fluence of the M-53 highway on the ecotoxicity of soil cover in vicinities of Krasnoyarsk (the village of Logovoy, Emelyanovsky area). The research prob-lems were to reveal the toxicity of the soil taken at the distance of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 m from a roadbed by phytotesting method. The research was conducted in 2015-2016. As test organisms were used wheat soft summer (Triticum vulgare L.) grades Novosibirsk 29 (monocotyledonous plant) and garden cress (Lepidium sativum) of the grade Zabava (two-submultiple plant). Viability and ener-gy of germination of seeds were determined by the standard techniques. In 10 days at sprouts of both species of test plants the length of elevated part and roots was measured. As control the seeds sprouted on the soil taken at distance of 200 m from the road were used. For ecotoxicological as-sessment the average values of decrease in viabil-ity of seeds and oppression of growth of roots of test cultures grown on a experimental substratum in comparison with these parameters of plants couched on the control environment were defined. The research of ecotoxicity of soil cover by method of phytotesting showed that on the distance up to 40 m from the roadbed of the M-53 highway reliable oppression of vital signs of test plants, such as en-ergy of germination and length of sprouts, and on the distance to 50 m - the viability of seeds and the length of roots were observed. To motor transporta-tion pollution of the soil big sensitivity had the seeds of Lepidium sativum L. in comparison with the seeds of Triticum vulgare L., and among the studied test functions - the length of roots. On the basis of an ecotoxicological assessment of the samples of the soil received by both species of test plants the soil at the distance of 10 m from the edge of the highway belongs to the group "danger-ously toxic", "moderately toxic" - 20 m, "a little tox-ic" - 30 and 40 m, "not toxic" - 50 and 100 m.

soil cover, ecotoxicology, phytotesting, test plants, motor transport, roadbed, energy of germination, viability
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