In the study the researches of dynamics of hal-ophytic vegetation on the southern coast of the bit-ter and salty lake of Kurinka (Koybalsky steppe, Khakassia) are considered. The researches were conducted during the period from 2008 to 2016 route and stationary by methods. During the re-search consecutive change of vegetable communi-ties was noted. The main reason, in contrast to the northern coast, is the change in height with regard to the lake mirror. The steeper southern coast is the northern slope of the cuesta ridge at the foot of which the lake is located. Here the change of spe-cific structure depending on the height of the coast, the steepness of the slope and extent of saliniza-tion of soils is more noticeable. As a result of re-search six zones with consecutive change of vege-table communities were allocated: the coastal zone without vegetation which is periodically flooded by lake water; salt- dewy, impersonal-cognate, worm-wood hilarious, iris-hilarious-impersonal, carapaceous-wormwood-feather grass phytocenoses. The species from Poacaea, Asteraceae and Amaranthaceaea (Chenopodiacea) families are prevailing. It was shown that the share of halophyte made 23 % of total number of types, it testified to considerable extent of salinization of soils. It was noted that the specific structure of veg-etable communities remained almost invariable for the entire period of researches while a projective covering of the dominating types, their participation in the general addition of community considerably differed under various climatic conditions of a vege-tative season. In droughty years in mild salted communities the prevalence of mezoxerophyte and xerophytes was noted, on the salted soils with salt concentration over 2 g/l the formation of monospecific euhalophyte (Suaeda linifolia or Salicornia europaea) was revealed.
halophytes, geobotanical profile, projective covering, horizontal structure, the lake of Kurinka
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