Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the study the analysis of the content of heavy metals (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, chrome, manganese, cobalt, nickel) in the soil and plants in the territory of the Sverdlovsk district of the city of Krasnoyarsk is carried out. The ecological condition of the environment of this territory is influenced by the main sources of pollution - thermal stations, small and large industrial enterprises, motor transport. The selection of soil and vegetable sam-ples was carried out on registration platforms ac-cording to the standard techniques. Heavy metals in soil and vegetable samples were defined by the method of nuclear absorption. As a result of re-search polymetallic pollution was revealed. The obtained data on sites of capture of soil and vege-table samples confirm the existence of ions of cop-per, zinc, lead, cadmium, chrome, manganese, co-balt, nickel. The greatest excess of maximum per-missible concentration of lead in soil samples in all studied platforms was observed. The increased lead absorption by a birch in all studied models of the samples taken on platforms of Sverdlovsk dis-trict of the city of Krasnoyarsk was found. The con-nection between availability of heavy metals in the soil and the contents in leaves of silver birch was established. The regularity of decrease in the con-tent of heavy metals in the soil, birch leaves de-pending on remoteness of objects of pollution was traced. The greatest were found, unlike gross, ex-cess of mobile forms of lead, zinc, copper, cadmi-um, chrome, manganese, cobalt, nickel. The re-vealed distinctions in the extent of excess of maxi-mum permissible concentration of mobile and gross forms of heavy metals form need of further re-searches, namely the development of the system of pollution assessment of the soil cover taking into account mobile forms of heavy metals.

environmental pollution, heavy met-als, soil, birch, maximum concentration limit
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