Russian Federation
The researches were carried out in the condi-tions of know-how experiment in APC "Shilinskoye" in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe located within Chulym-Yenisei denudation plateau of the south-west suburb of Central Siberia (56037' north latitude and 93012' east longitude. The results of supervi-sion of influence of ways of the main processing on transformation of the hydrolyzed, mineral com-pounds of nitrogen of the chernozyom lixivious were considered. The dynamics of transformation of nitrogen-containing organic compounds in the soil on various backgrounds of the main processing had basic distinctions. The transformation of nitro-gen of hardly hydrolyzed connections indicated weak hydrolytic splitting of organic substance. The Maximum of hardly hydrolyzed fraction fall on dif-ferent terms and were defined by the way of the main processing of the soil. The course of distribu-tion of easily hydrolyzed nitrogen-containing organ-ic compounds of the soil testified to low need for fertilizers. Significant contribution to variability of the hydrolyzed forms of nitrogen of the factor of "processing" causing various intensity of their min-eralization was revealed. The changes in the maintenance of mineral forms of nitrogen were caused by depth of processing of the soil and the localization of phytomass of field cultures in the top part of an arable layer. The factor authentically de-fining the changeability of mineral forms of nitrogen was not revealed. The soil-protective technology of processing of the soil caused the shift of activity of mineralization of nitrogen for later terms in compar-ison with arable option.
difficult and easily hydrolysable mineral nitrogen of soil, processing
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