Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The experiments were made in 2013-2016 on the fields of southern forest-steppe of Omsk Re-gion. Spring rape of the grade Haylayt was sown in the second decade of May 2 million germinated seeds per hectare. From means of chemicalixation ammophos and ammonium nitrate at the rate of N40P26, tank mix of herbicides Gallera 334 (0.325 l/hectare) and "Furor Ultra" (0.625 l/hectare) were applied. Annually in the phase of the begin-ning of budding the insecticide to protection of veg-etation plants of rape against rapeseed weevil and some other wreckers Biskaya (0.25 l/hectare) was applied. In 2015-2016 at mass reproduction of cabbage moth in addition the insecticide "Decis Expert" (0.125 l/hectare) was sprayed three times. In 2013-2014 five days prior to crops of field pro-cessed Glifor herbicide (3 l/hectare) was used. In the technology of cultivation of rape the sowing complex with disk tiller John Deer-1985 was ap-plied, to processing by pesticides -the sprayer "Summers" and to harvesting - John Deer com-bine. The calculation of expenses was carried out proceeding from actual to SP "Goltsman S.V." for 2016. The price of realization of one ton of oilseeds of rape that year made 24000 rubles. Without ap-plication of means of chemicalixation factor cost on 1 hectare made 6284 rubles, when using fertilizers - 9846 rubles, at complex protection of plants - 13221 rubles, and also against fertilizers - 17451 rubles. Complex application of chemicalixation provided minimum prime cost 1 t of oil seeds (5836 rubles), maximum conditionally net income (54309 rubles/hectare) and profitability level (311 %).

spring rape, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, direct costs, conditional net income, prof-itability level, prime cost, economic efficiency
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