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Abstract (English):
The existing materials for surgical wounds treatment belong to the auxiliary surgical instru-ments used in surgery: a probe surgical tubular for wounds inspection before their suturing, and also the instrument for imposing of the thread in the depth of the wound. The probe developed by us is surgical probe designed as a straight hollow metal tube with two opposite rows of staggered oblong holes located opposite in chessboard order parallel to its longitudinal axis. Thus in an end face of the channel of working part of the probe the atraumatic tear-shaped thickening, and since other its end - a basic platform for fingers in the form of two T-shaped petals in cross section which are located on the coupling on both sides of an entrance opening to the canal of the probe was executed. In turn, the instrument for imposing of ligatures in the depth of the wound contains the handle in the form of a basic platform for fingers and a brush, and also a core on which end from the free party the working element in the form of P-shaped fork with two horns is located. Under sutural threads at end faces of horns the wedge-shaped through cuts which are forming equal parts with tear-shaped thickenings and passing at an angle 30º to the fork basis were executed. The maximum width of each cut is equal to the maximum diameter of a sutural thread, and the maximum depth of each cut is on the outer side of the horn. The use of the developed instrument increases the harmony of the design, controllability and convenience of use of the instrument; facili-tates imposing of ligatures and at application of the modified probe reduces injury of operation at sani-tation of a wound.

wound, surgical tubular probe, liga-ture, the instrument for applying a thread in the depth of the wound
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