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Abstract (English):
In the study the assessment of sapropel extract detoxification potency in the case of poultry poison-ing with Кonfidor Eхtra® (KFE) is given. The re-searches have been conducted on five-day White Leghorn cockerels matched on the analogue prin-ciple and divided into four groups of five specimens in each. The chickens of the first group were fed a standard diet and consumed tapwater. The second group of chickens consumed water with sapropel oil extract in the dose of 1 ml per 100 ml of water with-in 14 days. The chickens of the third group received 0.001 % aqueous KFE-solution. The specimens of the fourth group on the background of KFE intoxi-cation received daily sapropel oil extract at the dose of 1 ml per 100 ml of water. In 14 days the animals were slaughtered. As a result of studies it was found out that general condition of chickens during the observation period was satisfactory de-spite occasional diarrhea in the specimens who received pesticide and medicine. The analysis of blood biochemical parameters has shown the re-duction of uric acid concentration by 18.5 % (р=0.009) well as an increase in this indicator by 29.5 % (p < 0.05) in chickens intoxicated with KFE and by 56 % (p <0.05) in experimental group com-paring with the first group. The increase in creati-nine concentration in the chickens of experimental group by 18.3 % (p <0.05) showed the develop-ment of nephropathy. In the liver of the poultry of the second group receiving together with water sapropel extract oil the symptoms of hepatic hy-dropic degeneration were registered - hepatocytes increased in the volume, the cytoplasm was filled with vacuoles containing transparent liquid, nuclei, as a rule, displaced on periphery, sometimes with vacuolization signs. In the liver of experimental an-imals treated with sapropel oil extract on the back-ground of intoxication hepatocytes in the state of degeneration, necrobiosis and necrosis were also found, with cell nuclei lacking or in the state of pyc-nosis. These results indicate the lack of detoxifying potency of sapropel oil extract in the dose of 1 ml per 100 ml of water on the background of KFE in-toxication in poultry. On the contrary, recorded de-viations of blood serum biochemical parameters as well as structural changes in the liver indicate the development of hepato- and nephropathy in exper-imental animals.

tra®, detoxification
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