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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study was the identification of biological bases of stability of a poplar balsam to tree-destroying mycete. In plantings of Arkhangelsk using individual account and route account patho-logical and sanitary conditions of trees of balsam poplar were registered. To evaluate anatomic char-acteristics of timber cores samples were extracted using increment borer at the height of 1.3 meters on the north side of the tree with considering weather conditions and the intensity of water dis-charge out of the hole. Histological elements and video fixation were measured by means of the mi-croscope AxioScope A1 and software of Image-ProInsight. Phenolic connections in timber revealed on gas chromatomass-spectrometer of GC-MSQP2010Plus (Shimadzu). Fruiting bodies of fungi were only found on the trunks of old and topped trees. From them only Willow bracket (Phellinusigniarius (Fr.) Quel.) in the fungus family of Hymenochaetaceae was able to parasitize for a long time in the timber of growing trees, extending on core beams and getting into the closest cells of libriform. Protective reaction of trees to presence of hyphas of fungi in timber is the increased humidity in the central zone of the trunk. Water in central part of the trunk is not physiologically active and comes due to radial movement and sunny summer day under pressure. Another defensive reaction of the tree to the presence of fungal hyphae in timber is to produce phenolic compounds. Syringaldehyde, Vanillic acid, Coniferyl aldehyde were found only in the sapwood. P-cresol was noted in central zone of the trunk characterized by increased humidity of timber.

balsam poplar, sapwood, phenol compounds, fungal hyphas
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