The researches were conducted in physiological laboratory of Institute of applied biotechnology and veterinary medicine of Krasnoyarsk state agricul-tural university. Experimental and control group of rabbits, in number of 10 heads on 5 in each group at the age of 7 months was contained in a warm season in physiological yard in the open air. The food allowance of rabbits of experimental and con-trol groups met standards of feeding. In the diet of rabbits feeding of experimental group paraaminbenzonic acid vitamin was included 1 time per day in the morning feeding in number of 10 mg on 1 kg of live weight, within 10 days. The calcula-tion of leukocyte formula, the definition of amount of calcium and phosphorus, general protein and its fractions carried out to blood of rabbits of experi-mental and control groups after inclusion into a diet of paraaminbenzonic acid vitamin. Blood sampling was made by a puncture with the needle of small diameter from an ear vein. For the definition of leu-kocyte formula prepared the painted dabs and un-der the immersion system of a microscope leuko-cyte formula was calculated. It was established that at addition intro a diet of rabbits of paraaminbenzonic acid vitamin in a dose of 10 mg on 1 kg of live mass of rabbits within 10 days in leukocyte blood count small increase of quantity of eosinophils is revealed allowing to judge that paraaminbenzonic acid vitamin reduces the effect of stress factors on an organism of rabbits. The quantity of neutrophils, especially segmental nucle-ar, in the blood of rabbits of experimental group was 16 % higher. The quantity of stick nuclear neu-trophils in experimental group of rabbits in compari-son with control indicators was within physiological norms and a little less. In the blood of experimental rabbits after application of PBA had a quantity of segmental nuclear neutrophils more that leads to increase of resistance of an organism of animals. The amount of the general protein in blood serum in experimental group rabbits was higher than in control group for 9.1 %. The amount of the general calcium in serum of blood of experimental group of rabbits was higher than control for 14.1 %, and the content of inorganic phosphorus in blood serum in experimental group in rabbits in 10 days after the beginning of experiment was 12.7 higher. Thus, the addition into a diet of rabbits of paraaminbenzonic acid in a dose of 10 mg during spring period of the year has impact on calcium-phosphorus exchange on 1 kg of live weight, thus absorption of calcium and phosphorus in blood increases.
paraaminbenzonic acid vitamin, rabbits, leukocyte formula, general calcium, inor- ganic phosphorus, general protein, albumine, alpha globulin, beta globulin, gamma globulin
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