Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was to track the fluctua-tion of natural zones and subzones of the Yenisei Siberia in the Holocene and to consider interrela-tion between vegetation communities and charac-teristics of the climate. The object of the research was vegetation communities of natural zones of the territory of the Yenisei Siberia growing during the uneven-age climatic periods of the Holocene. The use of complex materials of researches of diversi-fied experts brought together in the "Evolution of Environment of the Holocene of Siberia" Database and simply references allowed to define the provi-sion of natural zones and subzones during the pe-riods of the Holocene occurring at different times. The assessment of correlation communications between indicators is executed with the use of the correlation, factorial and regression analysis. As the software the Package of the analysis of MS Excel and StatSoft STATISTICA 6.0 were used. The re-sults of paleoecological researches of fluctuation of natural zones and subzones of the Yenisei Siberia in the Holocene are presented. Global climate change is the main reason of this process. The Holocene is the last warming in the history of the Earth. Climatic processes happening in the Holo-cene led to the formation of different vegetation communities. The periods of the Holocene occur-ring at different times are allocated (preboreal, bo-real, Atlantic, subboreal, subatlantic). Natural zones and subbands had bioclimatic features in each of these periods. Also during climatic periods of the Holocene there were fluctuations of climatic indica-tors leading to exarticulation of bioclimatic phases of climate change. These processes defined fluctu-ation of natural zones and subbands in the North-ern hemisphere, including the Yenisei Siberia. The research of features of this process has shown that, for example, in modern tundra and forest-tundra (the tundra woods) there were taiga landscapes; in the zone of southern taiga there were steppe land-scapes on chernozyom soils. The assessment of correlation communications between climate indica-tors are: factor 1 (temperature); factor 2 (rainfall), and temporary factor allowed to make the analysis of communications of vegetation communities with climatic indicators.

the Yenisei Siberia, global climate change, natural zones and subzones, Holocene, climatic periods of the Holocene, plant communi-ties, landscape, fluctuation
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