The studying of plants of natural flora, their re-gional features of chemical composition and nutri-tional value is actual task directed on bioindication, development of industry, agriculture and preserva-tion of health of the man. Among modern problems of the mankind the environment worsening is the most important one. It has global character and is particularly acute in large cities, regions regional and territory areas. According to long-term supervi-sion over pollution of ground layer of the atmos-phere previous 14 years in Krasnoyarsk the ad-verse situation remains, the level of pollution of at-mospheric air is characterized as "extremely high" and "very high". The main pollutant of the city and its vicinities is Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Plant "RUSAL". Technogenic load of adjacent land-scapes is strengthened by such enterprises as CHPP-1, CHPP-2, CHPP-3, Pulp and Paper Mill, etc. The studying of condition of pigmentary system of leaves informatively for the establishment of de-gree of harm of pollutant, possible ways of adapta-tion to them of plants, and also rationing and fore-casting of anthropogenous loadings in the condi-tions of environment. In this regard in 2015 we be-gan researches of the maintenance of carotinoids in needles of ordinary pine in Krasnoyarsk and its suburbs. As object of research 25 trees of the third class of site class naturally growing in Krasnoyarsk (Academgorodok) and remote from the city on a wind rose at some distance served: Torgashino Ridge, Cordon Laletino (the reserve "Stolby"), the villages Beryozovka, Ovsyanka. The results of re-search show negative influence of air masses of the city on the maintenance of carotinoids in the needles of ordinary pine, growing in the city and direct proximity from it. With the increase in the dis-tance up to 9 km (Laletino's cordon) reliable influ-ence of atmospheric pollution on the maintenance of carotenoids was not found out.
carotenoids, biologically active agents, technogenic pollution, quantitative con-tents, variability
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