The researches of geographical variability of pa-rameters of the body of the wolf in the Yenisei Sibe-ria were conducted. It was established that chang-es of the sizes and body weight of the wolf of geo-graphical populations have adaptive character to habitat conditions. The results of morphological inspection of forest and polar wolves will be poorly coordinated with the theory of "wedge variability". In body parameters tundra polar wolves concede to the forest. The largest wolves live in middle forest zone of Eastern Europe and Asia. The greatest parameters of the body and skull belong to the east Siberian middle taiga wolf of Evenkia. It was estab-lished by the author that polar and forest wolves of the Yenisei North in many parameters of the body poorly differ between themselves, but surpass the southern mountain and taiga and forest-steppe wolves in them. Polar and forest wolves of the North Yenisei in linear parameters is reliable (P> 0.95-0.95) to differ only on height in withers, to a breast grasp, tail length. Forest wolves of Evenkia authentically surpass southern mountain and taiga (P> 0.95-0.99) in all linear parameters. The indica-tors of average length and body weight of mountain and taiga wolves of the Sayan Mountains and Altai are identical, but concede on the average length of the body and weight to parameters of the wolves of Baikal mountain taiga. At focal character of the zone of steppes they contact to middle taiga wolves. All mountain and taiga wolves on the body length, height in withers, to the grasp of the breast and weight are reliable (R> 0.95-0.99) more largely than forest-steppe wolves. The wolves of Western Siberia living in boggy and snow territories of the left bank of the Yenisei appeared the tallest ones (87.2±1.1 cm in withers). The wolves of the forest-steppe in small snow are the most undersized ones (76.2±0.4-75.0±0.8 cm). In all geographical popu-lations of the wolf sexual dimorphism in body sizes is expressed. The males authentically surpass fe-males in the length of the body, tail, foot, a breast grasp, height in withers, and also in body weight. Interpopulation distinctions on exterior indicators and body weight in females are less expressed.
geographical population, morpho-logical inspection, exterior indicators, variability, sexual dimorphism
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